Such a good analogy of the house burning down - I felt such loss, grief, and stress, like my entire internal home was in ashes. It came with the onset of a chronic disease, terminal illness of my dad, continuing work stress, and hyperacusis.

Your message of working through challenging emotions, acceptance, and rebuilding is so important and meaningful. Viewing it as an opportunity to make changes for a better life is truly uplifting.

Iā€™m rebuilding my life in so many ways, but I think practicing self-care and compassion; learning how to process emotions; and managing stress, anxiety and overthinking are important for me.

Thanks for a great article and for sharing your personal experiences. šŸ’•

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Thank you so much for your comment, Sue. It sounds like you had a huge amount to deal with all at the same time. I love that you have identified some key strategies that are both meaningful and practical in rebuilding your life. Processing emotions is a skill that has taken me decades to understand. I spent so many years trying to squash them down or run away from them. Now I am able to sit in the still centre of a tornado of emotions, knowing they can't harm me, and they will pass. It's still not easy, don't get me wrong. But it is doable. Thank you, Sue, for sharing your experience. I'm sure other readers will find it very valuable.

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