Tinnitus is ruling and ruining your life
You’ve changed since your tinnitus started - and not for the better
You look back at your life before tinnitus with nostalgia and longing
Your tinnitus is making you anxious, depressed, angry or irritable (or a combination of all of them)
You can’t imagine how you’ll cope with this noise for the rest of your life
You struggle to fall asleep because all you can hear in the quiet of the bedroom is your tinnitus
You’re worried you’ll lose friends because you no longer want to socialise in loud venues
You’re irritable with your kids who are just being normal, noisy kids
You feel guilty because of the impact your tinnitus has on those around you
You’re fed up of struggling to hear conversations over your tinnitus
You’ve stopped doing hobbies that you used to love before tinnitus came on the scene
Every evening you battle with your partner over the volume control on the TV
Your tinnitus distracts you so much at work you’re worried your customers or colleagues will notice. Or they have already noticed and you’re worried about keeping your job
You don’t dare go to the dentist because you’re concerned that the sound of the equipment will trigger your tinnitus
Whether or not you go for a walk in your neighbourhood depends on whether you can hear leaf blowers or chainsaws
Holidays are off the cards because you worry the airplane noise will make your tinnitus worse
You’ve stopped exercising because the increased blood flow spikes your tinnitus
You wear ear protection in any situation where you can’t control sound
You’re exhausted from listening to your tinnitus soundtrack 24/7
You can’t keep living like this. Something has to change
If you’re nodding as you read through this then remember you’re not alone. The reason I am able to write this list is because these are all things I did earlier in my tinnitus journey.
If you feel ready for something to change, I invite you to take a look at my website for the Bee Empowered course and coaching that I offer.
If you like what you have read, please share it with other members of the Tinnitus Tribe. Tinnitus can be so difficult to live with, and I'd like as many people as possible to benefit from the tips and tactics in this newsletter.